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G. Young's Book Reviews 📖

Since my book tour back in July for POPPY LOVES DEVON, I've been fortunate to have been asked to review books for an award-winning PR company, Literally PR. I've loved doing this so much that I've also begun reviewing for NetGalley. Not only is this a great way to discover new titles in many different genres, but also, for a fellow author like me, it's great for networking. I've met many wonderful authors and book bloggers since reviewing and having had my book reviewed too.

Since the summer, I've read so many wonderful books and shared my reviews on Twitter, Instagram, Amazon and Goodreads. However, I hadn't even thought about adding these to my blog until now!

So, here it is, the first in my many book reviews, and I'd just like to thank the publishers, authors, Literally PR and NetGalley for providing me with the ARC in exchange for an honest review.


Book Review #1

De-Twat Your Life.

Carolyn Hobdey is The Midlife Mistress: every woman’s best friend at a time when she wants to take back control of her life. She believes that a woman's pleasures should not be ‘guilty’.

She is author of ‘All The Twats I Met Along The Way’ and its upcoming sequel, ‘De-Twat Your Life!’ as well as the self-help book, ‘Redefining SELFISH. No Guilt. No Regrets’. She is one of the international co-authors of ‘The Everyday Girls Guide to Living in Truth, Self-Love, and Acceptance’, which became an Amazon Bestseller in numerous countries. Carolyn has weekly radio slots on WCRfm for ‘Menopause Monday’ and ‘Humpday with Hobdey’.

Having lived a life of shame and blame, Carolyn now talks about ‘Twats’ in both senses of the word. On the one hand, tackling unhelpful mindsets and behaviours - and people - to enable you to live being unapologetically you. On the other, being an advocate for women’s health, with a particular specialism in the menopause and the impact on mental wellbeing from toxic relationships.

As the quirky* Founder of the transformational change business, MayDey Ltd, under which her professional portfolio sits, Carolyn is a regular writer, speaker, trainer and media commentator on issues of toxic relationships & narcissism, self-esteem, identity & confidence, selfishness, women’s health & menopause, and other imperative, topical women’s issues.

With more than 20 years spent as an award-winning Human Resources professional in some of the world’s largest employers, Carolyn earned a seat at the boardroom table leading internationally recognised brands. Along the way - as well as meeting some Twats - she gained a Masters in Lean Operations at Cardiff University where she was the first HR specialist to undertake the course and became the winner of the inaugural Sir Julian Hodge Prize for Logistics, Operations & Manufacturing.

Carolyn has a lively life in Yorkshire, England and is a keen boxer, weight-lifter, Latin & Ballroom dancer, singer and car enthusiast.

* Whilst Carolyn frequently gets called ‘quirky’, she doesn’t actually know what this means because it’s her reality. For her, it’s ‘normal’.

Book Blurb.

De-Twat Your Life! charts the challenging and remarkable story of Carolyn Hobdey's path

out of despair following the loss of everything she had known: a long-term relationship,

a beautiful home, high powered job and a ready-made family. It's a tale from self-loathing to self-love and of finding the courage to stop dimming her inner light.

Documenting Carolyn's trials and triumphs as she pieced together the disparate parts of her

shattered life and embarked on a long overdue transformation that changed her mind and

body, she shares the breakthrough moments that led her to develop the unique SELF Steps.

They are the 'how to' guide for anyone who wants (or is forced) to undergo change in any

area of their life.

This is practical, honest change, not out of a textbook but learnt from real life. Its heartfelt style will resonate if you've ever struggled with self-doubt, feeling 'lost' in your life, or with simply Being yourSELF.

Are you left wondering if 'this is it'? No longer will you need to flounder alone, De

Twat Your Life! with Carolyn's straight-talking SELF Steps to guide you along a new path to fun and fulfilment in a life that you

choose and you define.

My Review:

Thank you, LitPr, for gifting me the book, De-Twat Your Life to review.

This book hits the nail on the head, and I often found myself nodding and agreeing out loud with what Carolyn said.

Carolyn’s book is a self-help guide when change is unwanted and takes your breath away. This book gives you time to catch your breath and realise that you are not alone. But, unfortunately, it’s life, and it has this way of giving you a curve ball when you least expect it. However, following Carolyn’s helpful steps does help and offers a guiding hand where confidence, fear of failure and courage are some hurdles to overcome.

It’s written in a way that feels like you’re talking to a friend. It’s informal and funny as well as useful and relatable.

I'd definitely recommend this book to someone experiencing changes and challenges in their life 👍

My rating for De-Twat Your Life:


@literallyPR @CarolynHobdey

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