Poppy the crazy cream retriever is back 🐾

Yes, it's true, Poppy the crazy cream retriever will be returning to bookshops soon in her second of the Crazy Cream Retriever series.
I'm so excited about this next instalment in Poppy's adventures that I'm having to be very careful not to spill the beans and spoil the story for you 🙂
It was a lot of fun to write. Much of my inspiration came during the peak of lockdown, while Poppy and I were walking through the deserted forest.

Lost in my thoughts, while Poppy raced around sniffing out the wildlife and horse poop (which, I'm afraid, is one of her favourite things), I suddenly had a lightbulb moment and from then on the words just flew...
Now, the manuscript is typed up and ready for a copy edit from my wonderful editor, Antonia

Prescott. Following that will be a final proofread and then the typesetting, printing and eBook conversion takes place. The wheels are in motion and it's a very exciting time.
During the summer, I've been working on a set of drawings to accompany the story. Have you ever tried putting pencil to paper and doodling, sketching, colouring? It's sooo relaxing.
I get so caught up in my drawings that I loose all sense of time. My kids have to come in to the
study and remind me what time it is. It's surprising how three hours can feel like minutes.
I'll give you a little teaser and show you three from the many drawings that will feature in Poppy's next book.
The two new characters are called, Oliver - the French bulldog, and Olive - the pug. Both are hilarious characters and were a joy to write about. I've also included many other new characters and, just like in POPPY ON SAFARI, some are friendly whereas others are not so.
In this next book, Poppy experiences new emotions, tackles fears and faces life changing situations, which she manages to take in her own crazy, fluffy stride.
Hopefully, the book will be ready for release by next Easter, but that's not set in stone. This is the time I have in mind so, fingers crossed, we shall see. I shall be sure to keep you all posted on it's progress. In the meantime...
Poppy's next adventure is taking shape. With so much inspiration around me, it's difficult to stop writing about the big - cream - fluffster. She brings me so much joy and I hope to be able to share some of that with you all in these books.
Just in case you haven't come across Poppy's debut into the book world, here is a short blurb...
POPPY is a crazy cream golden retriever – greedy and a bit spoilt, but oh-so loveable! When her family head off for a fun-filled day out, POPPY unexpectedly finds herself running free in the safari park. Can she and her new friend HARLEY make their way out safely? And will they manage to avoid CAIN, the King of the Safari, who’s also on the loose?

If you have read POPPY IN SAFARI then I'd love to hear your thoughts. It's great to get feedback and I LOVE talking about my work. There are a few reviews featured on my website: gillianyoungauthor.com Feel free to take a look and enjoy!
I shall be posting more info, such as the completion of the editing process, the book title reveal, not to mention the book cover reveal, so do keep checking-in and don't forget to say 'Hello!'
My son recently passed his Graphic Design Diploma with a distinction which I'm really proud of. He's an absolute star. He's offered to work on the book cover design. I've seen what he's come up with so far and it looks amazing - and I'm not just saying that because he's my son. I wonder if he'll work with me on the next book cover? We'll see... #proudmommoment
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